Thank you to Operaboy for sending me this today. I laugh my hiney off every time I look at it.
Cowboys suck! GO EAGLES!
Hey! I'm voting for McCain/Palin for a number of reasons. But here are the
1 Economy: A free market economy needs less regulation to thrive. Our economy has grown to be the strongest in the world based on these principals. I was against the bail out package and I am against bigger government.
2.Taxes: I believe that America should have a flat tax with no write offs, deductions or IRS. Increased taxes on upper and middle class will have a negative impact economic growth. Less money will mean less growth in small companies and corporate america. I love the idea of socialism. However, it has proven ineffective in many Eastern European and Asian countries over the last century. Whether democratic of totalitarian socialism the leadership has proven to become corrupted. Increased laws and regulations undoubtedly stifle economic growth and citizens end up with a lower, albeit equal quality of life. The rich Americans should be helping out the less fortunate. I do not believe that government should be the one giving handouts. I should choose where my money goes and how much to give.
3. Energy: I believe that energy will work itself out. The government should not subsidize solar, wind, or any other alternative energy source. When fuel prices get as high as they did Americans began addressing the problem itself. T. Boone Pickens and others have privately funded solar energy and natural gas growth. I hate our energy dependence on anti-american middle eastern countries and venezuela. But the way to solve it is by letting our free market economy work.
4. Abortion: Abortion is an issue that I am not willing to waiver on. In my opinion life begins the second an egg is fertilized and no one but God has the right to take that life.
In general I believe in smaller government. I can make better decisions with my retirement, health care, and charity than government. I'd be happy to talk more. I love politics!
I think this is really a turning point for America. Are we going to continue doing what got us here, or change direction and follow the role of Western Europe? I don't care how people vote, just be informed and take the time to invest in our future.
I agree. This is a huge turning point for our country. This election is about one issue to me. Capitalism vs. Socialism. I don't think capitalism is perfect, but without question Capitalism is far more superior than Socialism.
I don't currently make over $250,000/year, but:
a. I work for a company that does = lower wages for me in the future.
b. I own stocks in companies that Obama calls "Big Business"
c. I own stocks
d. I have a very small business and in my absurd "pursuit of happiness", hope to work very hard and grow this business into a bigger one, thus making lots of money. I don't want to give 35-60% of this money to the government. I would like to hire people and create opportunity.
e. I, like McCain, think that it is not government's responisibility to redistribute our money. I would rather trust my money invested in free market.
Today I exercised my civil duty and right as part of participatory
democracy. I thought I would take a few moments to clarify my standings this
year-I didn’t vote for Obama because of his stance on abortion. I’m a firm
believer in human life, however after watching complete republican control for 6
of the last 8 years do NOTHING about it; I have come to the conclusion that it’s
not going to change in America in my lifetime.I didn’t vote for Obama because of his stance on homosexuality. Although I believe it is wrong, I also realize it really doesn’t have anything to do with me. If two men want to get married, it in NO WAY affects the marriage between my wife and I. It will not ‘lower’ public opinion about marriage between a man and woman.
I voted for Obama because I’m a republican. I feel that the Republican Party has taken a dangerous swerve to the far right. When I hear people whisper Obama’s full name, trying to pursued[sic] people he’s something he’s not- it frightens me. Even IF Obama was Muslim or believed in any other religion… would it actually matter? Because someone’s skin color, religion or creed is different than mine, does that mean they’re ineligible to be my president?
I voted for Obama because America used to be great. I say used to be because we’ve let our educational system fail ourselves, yet we haven’t been able to fix it. We tried to leave no child behind, but ended up leaving a whole system behind. It’s going to take a lot more than standardized tests to make sure we’re not graduating high school seniors graduate without being able to read.
I voted for Obama because I’m a conservative Christian and he is also a Christian. Obama’s social views more closely align to how my religion dictates we should treat other people. He also conducts himself more like a Christian that most other of those who swing to the religious right. I’m tired of hearing about all the adulterous, lying, cheating, lewd, swindling politicians who wave the flag of being a conservative Christian, but act nothing of the sort.
I voted for Obama because I feel he has a closer grip to reality on what’s happening to America’s economy. More importantly he knows it’s a global economy. He understands that in order for America to be successful, we cannot be an island unto ourselves. It’s OKAY, no actually it’s GOOD that he wants to sit down and TALK to foreign leaders. We shouldn’t bomb everyone who disagrees with us.
I voted for Obama, because I voted for George W. Bush twice. Bush led us
valiantly into a war against terror; then into a war against Iraq. And after
that, I lost a childhood friend in the never-ending war. I also have a brother
who served two long tours in the war. A war that we probably shouldn’t be in but
nonetheless we are in: and someone is going to have to figure out to get us out
safely.I voted for Obama because I’m a tax paying citizen. I am not a member of
the top 1% earners in the country making over $250,000, so under Obama’s tax
plan I don’t really face paying more taxes. However if I did, hopefully I would
realize that with great privilege comes great responsibility. Because I simply
have more money doesn’t make me better than anyone, but increases my personal
burden to help take care of those who can’t take care of themselves. I do
understand concern over taxes, but also realize that sometimes things cost
money. We can talk all day about cutting pork-barrel spending, eliminating waste
etc. There are beneficial programs that our government runs that shouldn’t be
arbitrarily cut while military spending continues at record levels.I voted for Obama because I’m a father. I want to see my children grow up in a better country than we are in right now. I want them to be in a place where they don’t have to worry about terrorists lurking at any corner waiting to strike them
down. But a place where they also don’t have to worry about the government
lurking at every corner watching what they’re doing. A country where they can
hang their heads high, knowing that the government has THEIR PEOPLE’s best
interest at heart.I voted for Obama because I think it’s a little ostentatious to call yourself a maverick to a system that you’ve been a part of for 36 years.
I voted for Obama because I AM a Christian. I have sat besides people in
worship who have spoken words like ‘I don’t know how someone can be a Christian
and vote for Obama.’ I’m sorry, but that’s wrong. I’m tired of seeing a system
that vilifies people based on political leanings and party stances, and that
somehow only one party can be Christian. When will people learn that it’s okay
to disagree?I voted for Obama because neither the left nor the right is correct
all the time. I could go on, but I hope you get the point…
“I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they
professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of
To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The
flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks
it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you
prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.” --David Sedaris
Katie Herzig - "Forevermore"
A little birdy named Lynn pointed me in the direction of this song, and while at first I thought it was a bit too quirky for my taste, now I can't stop listening to it. I don't prefer this version, but it's the easiest way to share it. Try it out on MySpace music, too!