The wedding was AMAZING! I'll have my CD of pictures soon and will be able to post some of my favorites and highlights, but for now, here's an excellent sampling from my photographer's blog.
My photographer, by the way, is probably THE most excellent I've seen in my entire life. Check her out (link on sidebar) -- Lynn Michelle, thank you for making my wedding day memories SO beautiful!
So then there was the honeymoon, and THAT was a trip! Disneyworld was DEFINITELY the way to go!
I've got a GREAT job lead now that we're back, and I hope to hear something by the end of this week or the beginning of next....Operaboy is in the process of looking into teaching voice again, and hopefully soon we'll be back on our feet and in our own place!
That's really all that's going on for now, but with the MLB playoffs coming up, the Election (and all that encompasses), I'm sure I'll have plenty to blog about!
Stay tuned!
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