How exciting! I'm honored. I'd like to thank God first and foremost, and of course the Academy, and all the readers out there, and wait! Wait please don't play the music yet!
So, there are rules for those who have been nominated, and they are as follows:
I must list six characteristics that are important to me as well as six that I find impossible to tolerate. I then get to pass this lovely award to six of my favorite blogs! So, here goes nothing:
Six Characteristics I Love
1. A sense of humor. Yes, that's obvious. But more specifically, a sense of humor that gels with mine. Someone who can truly make me laugh (preferably on a daily basis)
2. Integrity. Deal-breaker here. If I can't trust you or respect you, it's a no-go.
3. Humility
4. Compassion for others.
5. A generally positive attitude. No Negative Nellies here, please.
6. Talent. This is not a necessity in those close to me, but one that I very much enjoy and respect.
Six Characteristics I Dont Like
1. Lying. Please, don't waste your time.
2. Pettiness. Can't we all just get along?
3. Bitterness. We are all SO blessed...please do not focus on all the things you think are terrible in your life. I guarantee you can find at least ONE thing that makes you smile, or even smirk a little.
4. Vitriol. Hateful people make me sad.
5. Drivers who pass on the right. Just trying to lighten things up a bit. :)
And without any further ado, here are my 6 nominees:
1. Lynn Michelle - Best Photography Blog! And not just when the posts feature me, I promise. Her posts range from wonderfully romantic to downright silly, and I enjoy the continuum.
2. CatPants - Best Friend Blog. She's one of my best friends, what can I say. We started this whole blogging thing together back in 2004, and at least she has kept the same blog (I can't say the same).
3. Mike over at TheMikeStand - Best Canadian Blog. To be fair, I don't read other Canadian blogs (that I know of), but I also enjoy his WhiskeyWatch posts and his philanthropic side during the month of MoNovember.
4. Charlotte with DeLovely Designs - Best Design Blog. Charlotte creates BEAUTIFUL work, and I'm thrilled that she did our monograms for our wedding.
5. Magazine Man - Best Overall Blog. That's the only way I can put it. I LOVE this man's blog, and even though I have to read his posts over my lunch break (they are loooooooong and sooooooo worth it), they always produce such wonderful emotions (laughter, sadness, tears, joy, fear, etc). He makes his readers feel like a part of the family.
6. Chris at My Name is Cool - Funniest Blog. I "met" this woman on a wedding-related message board, and her blog cracks me up EVERY time I read it.
Nominees: You have rules, too!
- Mention the blog that gave it to you.
- Comment on her (that is to say, my) blog to let her (that is to say, me) know that you have posted the award
- Share 6 Values that are important to you
- Share 6 things you do not support
- Nominate 6 other bloggers for an award in a category of your choice
Have fun! And thanks again, Smash!
Thanks, Mandy! You are too sweet to nominate me! Sorry that I haven't posted it yet, I've been super busy, but I will do it eventually.