February 23, 2009

Opening Weekend

Well, we did it!

This past weekend we finally opened the show, and I have to say it was a rousing success. Even with (what I felt was) little advertising, word-of-mouth must have gotten around, because we had fairly full houses on both Friday (opening) and Saturday nights. Sunday's matinee was very sparse, but they were still a supportive and energetic crowd.

Two of my fellow bloggers showed up as well, so thank you to Carie and Smash for showing up and being so supportive and fun! Carie blogged about her thoughts here, and even included a few GREAT pictures! I LOVE the one of the marquee outside the theatre and of course the one of Carie and me together after the show. Please excuse the excess of makeup...I hadn't gotten out of costume and make up yet. :)

I'm already a little sad knowing that this weekend is our last, and I can't believe there are only 3 performances left. I love this show, and I could play this role forever and never get tired of it.

This cast and crew has been so great, and I love everyone of them for so many reasons.

Next on the docket: auditions for Crazy For You tomorrow night! No rest for the weary!


  1. Glad to hear it went so well, and sorry to hear you won't get to enjoy it as long as you'd like (which, I guess, would be forever, so maybe that's a bit out of the question, anyway.)

  2. I cannot wait to see you guys perform on Saturday! I am so excited!! I'm glad everything went well!

  3. For sure, I'll let you know. I am very hit-or-miss with Grisham, but the story on this one actually looked entertaining. I've never read 'The Pact', I'll have to try that one.
